To be listed as a sponsor in our Realtor Directory, please complete the form below to provide the details of your ad for the directory.
  • Please enter your name, an email address and phone number where we can contact you if we have any questions about your ad.
In the "Compose Your Ad" section, please specify the following:
  • Company Name: Enter your name followed by the agency with which you are affiliated (your ad will appear in last name alphabetical order with other ads; ads submitted by realtors who are Queen's Harbour residents will be given priority and listed first). 
  • Website (optional): Enter the URL for your website.
  • Contact Line (optional): Enter how public can contact you (phone number, email, or both).
  • Services Provided: Enter up to 300 characters of text for your ad.
In the "Attach File" section,
  • Upload one (1) file containing an image of your logo or business card that will be included that as part of your ad. The size of your image cannot exceed 4100px (if you do not provide an image, we will pick a generic one for you).
  • Optionally, upload one (1) PDF file of your choosing. The maximum size of this file is 4MB. This PDF file could be a flyer providing further information, including images. If a PDF file is provided, your listing will include a link to it as "Additional Information".
Here is an example of how your ad will appear:
We will review your ad and respond by the next business day. The Queen's Harbour Owners Association reserves the right to review its content and refuse to publish.  If the ad cannot be published, any payment that you made to the Queen’s Harbour Owners Association for the ad will be refunded if you choose not to revise/resubmit your ad.
You also must complete the Queen's Harbour Website Realtor Advertising Agreement. This agreement specifies payment amount and includes payment instructions.
The fee you pay allows your ad to be listed for 365 days. Once your ad has been reviewed, the Advertising Agreement has been submitted, and payment has been received, the ad will be published on the website.
If you have any questions about the ad submittal process, please feel free to contact us by selecting Website Sponsorship Manager from the drop-down list at Contact Us.
Thank you for your interest in supporting our website.

Your Details
Compose Your Ad

Attach File
Maximum File Sizes: 4 MB each
Maximum Image Dimensions: 4100px